Natur und Technik
German Compound nouns
Not sure what a compound noun is? A compound noun is a noun that is made with two or more words. The English language has them, too – “keyboard” or “six-pack”, for example.
Here are a few of our favourite German compound nouns, complete with their literal translation and actual meaning:
COMPOUND NOUN die Fledermaus |
das Flugzeug |
fly thing |
aeroplane |
der Glückspilz |
lucky mushroom |
lucky devil |
die Glühbirne |
glow pear |
light bulb |
die Handschuhe |
hand shoes |
gloves |
der Ohrwurm |
ear worm |
catchy tune |
das Meerschweinchen |
little sea pig |
guinea pig |
die Nacktschnecke |
naked snail |
slug |
die Naschkatze |
treat cat |
person with a sweet tooth |
der Pechvogel |
tar bird |
unlucky person |
der Regenschirm |
rain shield |
umbrella |
der Scheinwerfer |
shine thrower |
headlight |
die Schildkröte |
shield toad |
tortoise |
das Stachelschwein |
spike pig |
porcupine |
der Staubsauger |
dust sucker |
vacuum cleaner |
das Stinktier |
stink animal |
skunk |
der Tintenfisch |
ink fish |
squid |
die Warteschlange |
waiting snake |
queue |